For information
0384 219 4040One of the best ways to discover Cappadocia, which means 'land of beautiful horses', is to feel the magic of the city closely by staying among the natural beauties. The standard rooms we offer are designed to meet the expectations of our guests at the highest level.
Located in a location that reflects all the beauties of Cappadocia, our standard room contains the breathtaking history and beauties of the city in every respect. They have been carefully designed for your comfort.
By enjoying the standard room experience, you will not just stay in a hostel. You will get away from the stress of daily life and experience a feast of taste with dishes that will linger on your palate.
You can find much more than you expect for an accommodation experience in our standard rooms.
You have enjoyed the silence, peace and view with Pyramid Stone House, but how about exploring the depths of Cappadocia for more?
Are you ready to witness the perfect views from the sky among the natural miracle fairy chimneys and in the balloons that are the subject of fairy tales, with events and opportunities specially prepared for you, our valued guests?
For information
0384 219 4040Reservation
0384 219 4040Call us, it's toll-free.